Thursday, October 4, 2007

islands in the stream

I've decided that fake celebrity sitings are just as much fun as seeing the real thing. It's especially fun after a few pints of beer in the middle of a Saturday in NYC. We saw fake Kenny Rogers in NY recently. Now it was hard to tell him from the real thing because Kenny Rogers has had so much fucking plastic surgery, I could barely recognize him on American Idol last season. That's right, he made the rounds of shameful Idol self promotion. I guess he's gotta pay the bills. Anyway, this guy really looked like the new and shiny Kenny Rogers, not the old sexy one from the 70's singing duets with Dolly and everyone else.


Traxis of Evil said...

skykomie said...

that's excellent. i wish i wasn't laughing so hard or some of those damn blurry pictures would have come out, and i could have put them up on that web site
too funny!

Anonymous said...

tell me you did not just use the words "sexy" and "kenny rogers" in the same sentence. HA.

skykomie said...

ok, maybe I was thinking about Kris Kristofferson instead. -n