Monday, May 26, 2008

the last DC hurrah


MrFares said...

We had ribs, three ways today as well. Yours look really good, and I'm already full of ribs.
Congratulations on all the cool new in your lives!

skykomie said...

thx dude. full of ribs is the way to go, indeed. we may be stopping in MSP for a night on the way. I'll have danly call you. xo-n

skykomie said...
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Traxis of Evil said...

Congrats to Danly on the graduation, & good luck with the move! We are almost 1/2 way done with ours...we're hanging out today in Kansas City with my family. Buddy keeps pissing himself in his crate, and Vixen is trying to eat my cousin's dogs, but other than that things are cool. See you in WAH very soon!

whereshaldo said...

ha ha we got them back. take that east coast fuckers! salmon is way better than purdue chickens too!